By Richard Reeves This year was a game-changer, and what we need is a game-changer list. On that kind of list, I would drop one-off sensations, beginning with the oil spill, the Haitian earthquake and the mine rescue. No. 1 would be WikiLeaks. Related Entries December 27, 2010 Banking Regulation Team Pitches New Payment Rules December 27, 2010 2011: A Brave New Dystopia
Continue reading …enlarge It’s no secret that we’re big Buffy fans here at C&L, and one of my favorite characters is bad-girl vampire slayer Faith, played by actress Eliza Dushku. She’s turning 30 this year, and she’s using the occasion for a very special fundraising effort. In a time when most actresses seem obsessed with plastic surgery, high fashion and Botox, it’s nice to know there’s one who’s beautiful on the inside, in the best possible way. If you can, please contribute. Via Eliza Dushku recently got in touch with Tonic to tell us what she wants for her 30th birthday on Dec. 30. Er, actually she told us what she doesn’t want — anyt hing . Instead, she’s asking everyone to join her 30/30/30 goal to raise the $30,000 it will take to acquire the land to build a comprehensive recovery center for former child soldiers in Gulu, Uganda . You see, the fact that Duskhu’s mother has been an African politics professor for more than 40 years is more than a bit of Hollywood trivia — it colors how Dushku sees the world.”As my mother’s daughter, and turning 30, I’m realizing how many stories I want to tell about the people of the world. I’m an internationalist at heart,” she tells Tonic. At this turning point in her life, she wants to help children affected by Uganda’s civil war. She’s counting on your help to do so. Mentioning her young niece and nephew, she says, “Think of these kids being forced to become killers. I can’t imagine anything more horrifying.”Constructing and running the rehabilitation center is the mission of THARCE-Gulu ( T rauma H ealing a nd R eflection Ce nter), the nonprofit organization her mom, Judith Dushku of Boston’s Suffolk University, recently founded with colleagues on the ground in Uganda. It will focus mainly on women and their children who are still recovering from abduction and sex slavery suffered during Uganda’s civil war. Click here to donate to THARCE-Gulu . The idea was sparked in July 2009, when Dushku went to Gulu with her mother, her boyfriend, Rick Fox, and a group of students on a trip focused on the rehabilitation and reintegration into society of former child soldiers and other victims of war. “Kids are still coming out of the bush, “she says, “after being grabbed out of bed in the middle of the night and handed an AK-47.” She can’t forget the people she met, including a group of teenagers who had been soldiers and a woman who had been forced into sex slavery and now runs a successful bead business. She also can’t shake the things she saw, like the wheelchair basketball game among people who lost legs in the war and the practice of putting a boy whose family was killed and the boy who killed them on the same sports team. What especially touched her, she says, is “what you learn about forgiveness. We get so resentful and we hold grudges over so many trivial things here. To be able to forgive someone who macheted your entire family and to live as neighbors, that’s amazing.” THARCE-Gulu’s blueprints are drawn up. The team is in place. The curriculum, which includes film-making, music and art therapy workshops, is planned. Now all that’s needed is a building and the plot of land to put it on. Please spread the word and, if you can, donate to wish Eliza a happy birthday.You can also learn more about THARCE-Gulu at its website here.
Continue reading …As its title forthrightly states, writer-director Mike Leigh’s “Another Year” simply records the spring-to-spring passage of the annual round of days in these very ordinary lives. I think, for reasons difficult to explain, that it is a near-to-great film. Related Entries December 27, 2010 Chamberlain: Gay Leading Men Still Trapped in the Closet December 9, 2010 Mencken, a Curmudgeon for the Ages
Continue reading …Ending Sunday's “Face the Nation” in poetic fashion, CBS's Bob Schieffer gave a year-end commentary where he portrayed John Boehner as the flustered “orange-faced” leader of a divided House GOP. Schieffer also snidely criticized the Arizona immigration law. “His face was bright orange, a sun-tan hall-of-famer. / I knew in a flash – it must be John Boehner,” spoke Schieffer, painting the soon-to-be Majority Leader as the head of a herd of reindeer, the House Republicans. “He hollered, cajoled, oh how he did plead, / But the deer wouldn't listen, each wanted to lead.” Composing his end-of-show commentary to verse, Schieffer summarized the 2010 political scene and provided some insight of his own as to how the next two years in Washington will unfold. Though Democrats met a bitter fate this November, Schieffer implied a possible downfall for the GOP with a split between Tea Partiers and incumbent Republicans.
Continue reading …When conservative radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck take stands against Obama-care or amnesty for illegal immigrants, the New York Times is quick to raise concerns. But certain correct causes and personalities not only get a pass but receive heroic treatment. A prime example is comedian-activist Jon Stewart, host of “The Daily Show” on Comedy Central and main news source for many young liberal hipsters. Stewart is celebrated once again by the Times, this time on the front of the Monday Business section by media reporters David Carr and Brian Stelter, for his latest crusade, a push to fund the health care of 9-11 responders who became ill. The online headline “ In ‘Daily Show’ Role on 9/11 Bill, Echoes of Murrow .” A comparison to Murrow, the vaunted journalist slayer of Sen. Joe McCarthy, is a deep compliment in liberal media circles. Did the bill pledging federal funds for the health care of 9/11 responders become law in the waning hours of the 111th Congress only because a comedian took it up as a personal cause? And does that make that comedian, Jon Stewart — despite all his protestations that what he does has nothing to do with journalism — the modern-day equivalent of Edward R. Murrow? read more
Continue reading …Click here to view this media John McLaughlin wrapped up part one of his year in review show on PBS with pushing the rumor that Hillary Clinton might run against President Obama in 2012 even though that has been put to rest for some time now by Clinton herself who said she’s not running for another elected office. Pat Buchanan quickly threw water on the idea given that Secretary Clinton has a WikiLeaks problem which David Corn wrote about here at Politics Daily . I’m surprised McLaughlin hasn’t decided to pack it in yet given he’s 83 years old now. The sad thing is PBS could always manage to replace the show with something even worse when he finally retires.
Continue reading …Click here to view this media I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of any better way to prepare our law-enforcement officers for potential terrorist attacks by teaching them that all Muslims are violent America-haters and that we should just kill them all. Also, President Obama is secretly a Muslim. That’s going to work out splendidly, isn’t it? From Chip Berlet : This quote is from what one official involved in homeland security said was the theme of a speech by Walid Shoebat at an anti-terrorism training in Las Vegas in October 2010. Our source had turned around after Shoebat’s speech and asked the woman in the chair behind them at the conference what she thought was the solution offered by Shoebat. “Kill them…including the children…you heard him,” was the full response. Shoebat’s Las Vegas speech was described by our source as “frightening.” You may remember Shoebat. Back in 2008, the Air Force Academy brought him in to teach cadets how to hate Muslims. Now he’s doing it for law enforcement. As Berlet explains: Shoebat has said that “Islam is not the religion of God — Islam is the devil.” According to religion writer Richard Bartholomew, “Shoebat is a pseudo-expert on terrorism, Islamic extremism, and Biblical prophecy, and he teaches that Obama is a secret Muslim and that the Bible has prophesised a Muslim anti-Christ.” This means for some apocalyptic Christians that Muslims then would be allies of Satan in the End Times battle between good and evil. This battle ends when Jesus returns and with a vengeful God kills all these deemed to be non-believers in Christianity. This bloody and bigoted version of apocalyptic prophesies is rejected and condemned by the Catholic and Orthodox churches and every major Protestant denomination. Michael Riker, president of the International Counter Terrorism Officers Association, which sponsored the event in Vegas, angrily defended Shoebat in a comment to an earlier Berlet HuffPo piece : What you hear from Walid is the TRUTH. The attendees were glued to what [Shoebat] had to say and the majority of them agreed. The liberal media is afraid to hear what the truth really is. Who has been planning attacks on our country? We are in a war of ideology and if you don’t know that you need to get you head out of the sand. Before you make judgment see what is really going on then make an educated decision for yourself. As Berlet notes, there are a number of so-called “security” training consultants who indulge in this kind of bigotry. For a complete roundup of the issue, see the Public Eye’s page devoted to it.
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