Ending Sunday's “Face the Nation” in poetic fashion, CBS's Bob Schieffer gave a year-end commentary where he portrayed John Boehner as the flustered “orange-faced” leader of a divided House GOP. Schieffer also snidely criticized the Arizona immigration law. “His face was bright orange, a sun-tan hall-of-famer. / I knew in a flash – it must be John Boehner,” spoke Schieffer, painting the soon-to-be Majority Leader as the head of a herd of reindeer, the House Republicans. “He hollered, cajoled, oh how he did plead, / But the deer wouldn't listen, each wanted to lead.” Composing his end-of-show commentary to verse, Schieffer summarized the 2010 political scene and provided some insight of his own as to how the next two years in Washington will unfold. Though Democrats met a bitter fate this November, Schieffer implied a possible downfall for the GOP with a split between Tea Partiers and incumbent Republicans.