First there was the “Genius Bar,” and now—at least in The Onion’s satirical parallel universe—there’s the “Friend Bar,” a welcoming space in which users can converge and talk for hours about their Apple products without scornful repercussions. Related Entries December 29, 2010 Gorbachev Takes Stock of New START December 28, 2010 ‘The Comeback Kid’ and the Kids Who Won’t
Continue reading …enlarge Chairman Mao – the reason China gave the world pause in the 1950′s. Click here to view this media In this third installment of Years Of Crisis we’re diving into 1958, which just so happened was the 10th anniversary of the series. Joining Edward R. Murrow was a group of Commentators whose beats covered the various global hot spots from 1948-1958. Each of them gave an assessment of how events changed the course of the world, from it’s Post War (World War 2) environment to what it had become circa 1958. It appeared that every part of the globe had undergone some dramatic change in that ten year period, certainly not the least being the emergence of Communist China as a world power and the changing face of Asia in general. Africa was again a major topic of discussion, as were the developing relationships between France and Germany and the beginnings of the Common Market . Fading were the colonial powers, which began to see independence movements coming of age and spreading with Great Britain going through a reinvention of itself over the decade. All in all, it’s a fascinating document of the Post-War/Cold War world, and if it’s a period of time you’re the least bit curious about, worth checking out to see just how the evolution process took place in world politics. Sometimes history just never ceases to amaze. Especially in retrospect.
Continue reading …Click here to view this media A Dallas pastor who admitted that she entered a parishioner’s home and removed belongings without permission is now saying that she was only trying to help. The Dallas Morning News reported: Sandy McGriff, 52, said she was trying to protect valuables at the home of her longtime friend Serita Agnew and made a horrible mistake. Police accuse McGriff of stealing more than $10,000 worth of fur coats, designer purses and electronics from a home in the 2200 block of Village Way near Kiest Boulevard and Lancaster Road. She was also charged with resisting arrest. McGriff spent most of Christmas Day in jail and was released on $26,000 bail in time for Sunday morning services at The Church of the Living God. The sanctuary is in the back of her husband’s furniture store on Lancaster Road in east Oak Cliff. McGriff invited reporters to her Grand Prairie home Monday to tell her side of the story. She said she had been in Agnew’s east Oak Cliff neighborhood on Friday evening to pick up a peach cobbler from a friend. “Something just told me to go past her house,” McGriff said. McGriff said that when she did, she saw two men coming out from the side of Agnew’s house. She said she pulled her black Jaguar into the driveway and walked around the home. That’s when she saw the broken kitchen window. “My mistake was I did not call 911,” McGriff said. “I just used poor judgment.” She said she cleared away shards of glass, stood on a barrel and climbed in through the window. She said she was trying to protect Agnew’s valuables in case the men came back. “I thought I was helping,” McGriff said.
Continue reading …Click here to view this media (h/t Heather ) As I saw every talking head, editorial columnist and pundit inside the Beltway continue to hammer home this idea that Social Security must be “fixed” on the backs of those of us who will retire in the next 15 years or so, I wondered if I missed the Frank Luntz memo on Social Security. As it turns out, I did. The reason I missed it is because it was written in 2005 during the privatization debate, a time I desperately tried to forget. As with Luntz’ health care reform memo , there are several required themes which Luntz has instructed conservatives to hammer home. He must have refreshed it and sent it out again to the Washington Post and cable outlets this week. In my post yesterday , I pointed to Samuelson and Gerson editorials in the Washington Post which said, in essence, Boomers have to take the hit because it’s just the right thing to do. Here’s a quote from Luntz’ 2005 memo: 3. To achieve “ generation fairness ,” we have a responsibility to save Social Security RIGHT NOW so that our children and generations to come receive the same benefits we have enjoyed. 4. It would be easier to turn away and leave the tough decisions to others down the road. But we do things in life not because they are easy but because they are necessary — no matter how hard they are . And delay just makes the solution more difficult and costly. Here’s the language Samuelson used : We have a fairness dilemma : Having avoided these problems for decades, we must now be unfair to someone. and this: The trouble is that hardly anyone admits that accomplishing these goals must include making significant cuts in Social Security and Medicare benefits for baby boomers. Another Luntz talking point: 5. Social Security is a financially broken system ; it will start going bankrupt in 13 years and will be completely bankrupt in a matter of decades. For the tens of millions of Americans who depend on Social Security, this is simply unacceptable. 6. Washington has done a terrible job managing the Social Security Trust Fund. A 1.6% return on your Social Security dollars is unacceptable. It’s time to give the American people a say in how THEIR money is invested and the opportunity to do better. Gerson : Obama’s liberal base contends that the Social Security trust fund is not in immediate trouble. But this argument depends on an elaborate accounting trick. The trust fund is not filled with assets – gold bullion and Apple stock. It is filled with debt issued by the government to itself. The surpluses of the trust fund are in fact liabilities for the government as a whole. And these illusory surpluses are regularly used to subsidize the rest of the budget. The scheme begins to collapse in 2037, when promised benefits for Social Security recipients will suddenly drop by about 25 percent – unless the system is reformed. This is how Frank Luntz turns the full faith and credit of the US Government into a negative. On the one hand, the argument goes like this: Debt (aka treasury bonds) must be paid off, and Social Security obligations hamper that effort. On the other hand, Social Security trust funds have been raided to pay for government activities and exchanged for bonds. In other words, twist it up and scare people by telling them the US government might not be able to meet its obligations while arguing for privatized accounts which invest in Wall Street securities. But wait! There’s an answer for the Wall Street investment problem too. And never forget, this was written in 2005, pre-meltdown: For the people to trust Wall Street, Wall Street — and Washington — must be put in their place. “Wall Street” is America, and Washington will just spend it all. Amidst all the scandal and corruption within the Financial Services industry, it is important that Wall Street be seen as the driving force of the American economy, and as far removed from scandal as possible. If you must address these scandals, then bring Washington into the mix, Make it a choice: Wall Street or Washington. Neither should control our money. We should make the choice ourselves. And any new system should enforce the principle of accountability. Oh, the twists and turns. I’ll leave you with this quote from the memo under a header that says it all: DICK CHENEY WORDS THAT WORK The Social Security system is in trouble. It’s been a fantastic program. It’s been there for 65 years. It has provided benefits for senior citizens over that period —for my parents. And it means a great deal to millions of Americans. I want to make absolutely certain that the first thing we do is guarantee the continuation of those benefits and keep those promises that were made. But I have two daughters, and they seriously question whether or not there will be any system left for them. And that’s because of the demographics at work. We know how many people are going to reach retirement age. We know when that Baby Boom generation is coming along. We know its going to drive .the system into bankruptcy unless we reform it. Every single time they parrot these talking points, I’m going to point it out. I just need a catchy category title. Luntz Lies? Pundit Panderings? Help me out here. (h/t to Michael ( paxromana5777 on Twitter) for finding the Luntz memo)
Continue reading …The 111th Congress produced some real eleventh-hour gains for the Obama administration, and by extension the president’s party, but some Democrats, such as Sen. Harry Reid and outgoing Sen. Arlen Specter, aren’t ready to get over some of the biggest partisan clashes of the last two years.
Continue reading …Click here to view this media As Susie reported earlier, it seems right-wingers have brains with overdeveloped fear centers. And what are they REALLY scared of? Why, Teh Gay, of course : Two of the nation’s premier moral issues organizations, the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America, are refusing to attend the Conservative Political Action Conference in February because a homosexual activist group, GOProud, has been invited. “We’ve been very involved in CPAC for over a decade and have managed a couple of popular sessions. However, we will no longer be involved with CPAC because of the organization’s financial mismanagement and movement away from conservative principles,” said Tom McClusky, senior vice president for FRC Action. “CWA has decided not to participate in part because of GOProud,” CWA President Penny Nance told WND. FRC and CWA join the American Principles Project, American Values, Capital Research Center, the Center for Military Readiness, Liberty Counsel, and the National Organization for Marriage in withdrawing from CPAC. In November, APP organized a boycott of CPAC over the participation of GOProud. As Steve Benen observes, they must be scared of getting cooties or something. Mustang Bobby at Shakesville has more. You’ll also note that many of the groups listed as stepping out from CPAC are groups newly listed as hate groups by the SPLC. They may be bitching and moaning about that, but then they keep proving its accuracy on a daily basis.
Continue reading …Christine O’Donnell raised a record $7.3 million in her 2010 bid to represent Delaware in the Senate, but allegations about how she spent that money and funds from previous campaigns have led to a criminal investigation by federal prosecutors and the FBI. O’Donnell, whose rocky financial history was widely reported during the campaign, has been accused of spending campaign donations on personal expenses, including her rent, which, if true, is in direct violation of federal law. According to AP, the financial oversight of O’Donnell’s campaign left something to be desired. Consider that an operation as unstable as the one described below was tasked with accounting for $7.3 million.
Continue reading …In light of Henry Kissinger’s comment, captured in the Nixon White House and released this month, that “if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern,” Think Progress has compiled a brief history of the former secretary of state’s complicity in human rights abuses. In response to this latest revelation, and Kissinger’s well-known record of transgressions against human decency, Christopher Hitchens says that “Henry Kissinger should have the door shut in his face by every decent person and should be shamed, ostracized, and excluded. No more dinners in his honor; no more respectful audiences for his absurdly overpriced public appearances; no more smirking photographs with hostesses and celebrities; no more soliciting of his worthless opinions by sycophantic editors and producers.”
Continue reading …Click here to view this media Former White House spokesperson Dana Perino who I’m quite sure is living comfortably enough that these austerity measures she’s touting won’t ever affect her life style informed the rest of us that we’d better take Paul Ryan’s “Roadmap” seriously and be ready to “eat our spinach” so the wealthy in this country can keep their tax cuts. Of course, no mention of spinach eating for the rich was involved in this conversation. Tucker Carlson proved that he can be every bit as a big of an annoying hack as Sean Hannity filling in for him this week and the Wall Street Journal’s Stephen Moore thinks that we need to do 15-20% spending cuts across the board to eliminate government programs to get our deficit under control. I’m quite sure after listening to his blather for years now that he doesn’t think any of those cuts should come from our military industrial complex and instead should come from those pesky government agencies that do things like making sure our food isn’t poisoned, or regulating the fat cats on Wall Street or anything else that prohibits corporations from running amok and protects the working class. What these talking heads like Moore of course ignore is we already got a full dose of trickle-down, regulation free economics from the Bush administration and we see how well that worked out for most of us. Some “spinach eating” for the wealthy and those who outsource our jobs is exactly what we need but the yappers in the media are going to keep up the drum beat that the have-lesses in this country who don’t want to sacrifice sufficiently are just somehow not patriotic or “serious” or “adults”.
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