Click here to view this media Former White House spokesperson Dana Perino who I’m quite sure is living comfortably enough that these austerity measures she’s touting won’t ever affect her life style informed the rest of us that we’d better take Paul Ryan’s “Roadmap” seriously and be ready to “eat our spinach” so the wealthy in this country can keep their tax cuts. Of course, no mention of spinach eating for the rich was involved in this conversation. Tucker Carlson proved that he can be every bit as a big of an annoying hack as Sean Hannity filling in for him this week and the Wall Street Journal’s Stephen Moore thinks that we need to do 15-20% spending cuts across the board to eliminate government programs to get our deficit under control. I’m quite sure after listening to his blather for years now that he doesn’t think any of those cuts should come from our military industrial complex and instead should come from those pesky government agencies that do things like making sure our food isn’t poisoned, or regulating the fat cats on Wall Street or anything else that prohibits corporations from running amok and protects the working class. What these talking heads like Moore of course ignore is we already got a full dose of trickle-down, regulation free economics from the Bush administration and we see how well that worked out for most of us. Some “spinach eating” for the wealthy and those who outsource our jobs is exactly what we need but the yappers in the media are going to keep up the drum beat that the have-lesses in this country who don’t want to sacrifice sufficiently are just somehow not patriotic or “serious” or “adults”.
See the article here: