Take out the middle turbine (above) for a better idea on how far apart turbines should be for optimal power production, based on this new research. Photo: FranceHouseHunt.com / Creative Commons Some new research on the importance of proper spacing in getting the most out of commercial-scale wind farms : Currently wind farms space turbines with 300′ ro… Read the full story on TreeHugger
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Wind Turbines Spaced Twice As Far Apart Generate More Power – Reduce Visual Impact, Too?
Take out the middle turbine (above) for a better idea on how far apart turbines should be for optimal power production, based on this new research. Photo: FranceHouseHunt.com / Creative Commons Some new research on the importance of proper spacing in getting the most out of commercial-scale wind farms : Currently wind farms space turbines with 300′ ro… Read the full story on TreeHugger
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Wind Turbines Spaced Twice As Far Apart Generate More Power – Reduce Visual Impact, Too?