Why is Apple recording iPhone and iPad users’ locations?

Filed under: Entertainment,News,Video |


Apple’s iPhone and iPad devices have long been storing positions and timestamps in a hidden file on the user’s computer. That’s according to developers Alasdair Allan and Pete Warden, who plan to report their finding at the Where 2.0 conference today in Santa Clara, Calif. Allan stumbled on the discovery while looking through iTunes’ backup files on his computer. Author of the book “Learning iPhone… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : VentureBeat Discovery Date : 20/04/2011 17:18 Number of articles : 6

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Why is Apple recording iPhone and iPad users’ locations?

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Posted by on April 20, 2011. Filed under Entertainment, News, Video. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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