Who’s Your Baghdaddy: Or How I Started The Iraq War

Filed under: News,Politics |

If you wanna understand the debt crisis, the final takeover of make believe over reality among way-too-many members of the US Political and Media Establishments, you need to go see Who’s Your Baghdaddy , an award winning musical playing until August 13th in Washington D.C. It provides a reminder of what happens when your government wants to imbibe fantasy and fanaticism over empiricism and reason–while forcing you to laugh your arse off. The show is hysterical, with the ironically, appropriately named “Curveball” (our “source” on WMD) doing a rap with his interrogator, and the much-more-fun-than-pundit Funditz singing to you about all the idiocy accepted as reality circa 2001-2003 that got us into this war. There is much more, but I don’t wanna spoil it. Oh, and if you need another reason to go, the show was produced by donor and supporter of progressive causes, Charlie Fink. I have the pleasure of knowing Charlie personally, and he’s a great guy. I loved it. And you need some comedy right now, if you have been following the insanity of the past two weeks. So go , and for at least a short while enjoy yourself while watching how screwed we are.

Who’s Your Baghdaddy: Or How I Started The Iraq War

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Posted by on August 5, 2011. Filed under News, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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