Who Will Liberate Us from Personality, Political and Providential Cults?

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Article by WN.Com Correspondent Dallas Darling. “An ignorant people is the blind instrument of its own destruction.” -Simon Bolivar When Venezuela lawmakers granted President Hugo Chavez extraordinary powers to govern the country by decree for the next several months, it evoked the life of Simon Bolivar and his visit to Europe and exposure to the French Revolution and the ideas of the Enlightenment. While visiting Spain, he was confronted with the question: “Who will liberate South American from Spanish imperialism?” Regarding Bolivar’s rise to power and how his life ended, perhaps there should have been a follow-up question. In other words, “Who will liberate us from personality and…

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Who Will Liberate Us from Personality, Political and Providential Cults?

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Posted by on December 19, 2010. Filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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