Teens Having Less Sex

Filed under: News |

South African Teens having less sex, and less stds: Youth Su teens having less sex #prolife #parents Survey: # teens having less sex -this generation of kids less inclined to experiment w/drugs&sex than their predecessors. So it looks like the next generation of teens are safer and wiser than their parents generation. … TheScene says: Sexploits latest: Just not feeling it: US teens having less sex and unwanted pregnancies http://bit.ly/dRWGU2

Posted by on March 4, 2011. Filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

Teens Having Less Sex

Filed under: News |

South African Teens having less sex, and less stds: Youth Su teens having less sex #prolife #parents Survey: # teens having less sex -this generation of kids less inclined to experiment w/drugs&sex than their predecessors. So it looks like the next generation of teens are safer and wiser than their parents generation. … TheScene says: Sexploits latest: Just not feeling it: US teens having less sex and unwanted pregnancies http://bit.ly/dRWGU2

Posted by on March 4, 2011. Filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

Teens Having Less Sex

Filed under: News |

South African Teens having less sex, and less stds: Youth Su teens having less sex #prolife #parents Survey: # teens having less sex -this generation of kids less inclined to experiment w/drugs&sex than their predecessors. So it looks like the next generation of teens are safer and wiser than their parents generation. … TheScene says: Sexploits latest: Just not feeling it: US teens having less sex and unwanted pregnancies http://bit.ly/dRWGU2

Posted by on March 4, 2011. Filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

Teens Having Less Sex

Filed under: News |

South African Teens having less sex, and less stds: Youth Su teens having less sex #prolife #parents Survey: # teens having less sex -this generation of kids less inclined to experiment w/drugs&sex than their predecessors. So it looks like the next generation of teens are safer and wiser than their parents generation. … TheScene says: Sexploits latest: Just not feeling it: US teens having less sex and unwanted pregnancies http://bit.ly/dRWGU2

Posted by on March 4, 2011. Filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

Teens Having Less Sex

Filed under: News |

South African Teens having less sex, and less stds: Youth Su teens having less sex #prolife #parents Survey: # teens having less sex -this generation of kids less inclined to experiment w/drugs&sex than their predecessors. So it looks like the next generation of teens are safer and wiser than their parents generation. … TheScene says: Sexploits latest: Just not feeling it: US teens having less sex and unwanted pregnancies http://bit.ly/dRWGU2

Posted by on March 4, 2011. Filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

Teens Having Less Sex

Filed under: News |

South African Teens having less sex, and less stds: Youth Su teens having less sex #prolife #parents Survey: # teens having less sex -this generation of kids less inclined to experiment w/drugs&sex than their predecessors. So it looks like the next generation of teens are safer and wiser than their parents generation. … TheScene says: Sexploits latest: Just not feeling it: US teens having less sex and unwanted pregnancies http://bit.ly/dRWGU2

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Posted by on March 4, 2011. Filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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