enlarge Alan Caruba is featured all the time on Tea Party Nation. What distinguishes Caruba’s screeds from others are two characteristics: They are always mean-spirited with racist overtones and they are always hysterical. Today’s little rant (again, no link because they’re behind a registration wall, but it is a direct copy/paste) has a very, very interesting declaration: How did the United States of America go from Thomas Jefferson, the brilliant author of the Declaration of Independence to Timothy Geithner, a very upwardly mobile student of government and monetary affairs? Suffice to say, as a public servant, he has served to the satisfaction of his mentors in numerous positions and also in liberal enclaves such as the Council on Foreign Affairs and a three-year stint at Kissinger Associates, learning from one of the most Machiavellian characters of the modern era. At the tender age of 42, he was named president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The liberal elite take care of its own. Geithner is the ying to Obama’s yang. They are perfectly suited to each other because both get their jollies playing the great game of state, although it should be said that Geithner is far better prepared for that role having studied abroad, including two years, 1981-2 studying Mandarin at Peking University and Beijing Normal University. His M.A. is in international economics and Asian studies from John Hopkins University School of advanced International Studies. Obama’s education ended with a law degree from Harvard. Nobody knows what grades he made at Occidental, Columbia University or Harvard. He is often mistakenly referred to as a former professor of constitutional law at Chicago University, but in fact he was akin to a teaching assistant or adjunct, the lowest end of the academic ladder. Obama’s mentors included a known member of the Communist Party when he was growing up in Hawaii, various “Marxist professors” at Occidental and Columbia University, and Bill Ayers who gained fame as a domestic terrorist, a member of the Weather Underground who describes himself as a “Communist with a small c.” To bring matters full circle, Ayers is a retired University of Chicago professor. All this is by way of background to suggest that the debt ceiling will be increased because there is no alternative. And having surrendered, he spent the rest of the post smacking around Democrats, but it was halfhearted at best. I call that *winning*. Unfortunately, Charles Krauthammer is a little bit aggravated, but even he concedes they’ve lost the battle and the war. The Republicans are being totally outmaneuvered. The House speaker appears disoriented. It’s time to act. Time to call Obama’s bluff. A long-term deal or nothing? The Republican House should immediately pass a short-term debt-ceiling hike of $500 billion containing $500 billion in budget cuts. That would give us about five months to work on something larger. Aw, Charles. What part of President Obama’s “I-have-reached-my-limit” statement did you miss yesterday? Possibly, it was the part where he said he would not sign anything short-term. Because, as Lawrence O’Donnell explained on The Last Word last night, the President can veto that short-term thing at midnight on August 2nd and Congress will still have time to give him the one line increase resolution with the right numbers filled in. He is, however, right about the Republicans being outmaneuvered. They have been.
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Tea Party Nation Waves White Debt Ceiling Flag