Rep. Paul Ryan and the GOP love them some health-care mandates, two times

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Did you know that Republicans loved the health-care mandate all the time they criticized it? I mean, I understand it’s a Republican concept, but Paul Ryan’s love for it apparently is twice as much as President Obama’s. Steve Benen: Now, any serious person listening to the hysteria has to realize Republicans don’t actually mean any of this. Indeed, many of those characterizing the individual mandate as the death of the American experiment were endorsing the idea as recently as 2009 — during the debate over reform. But in case anyone thought to take the faux-outrage seriously, Simon Lazarus raises an important observation : the highly-touted House GOP budget plan, as shaped by Paul Ryan, includes a health care mandate, too. In fact, it includes more than one. The Ryan budget would reshape Americans’ access to health insurance mainly through two provisions, both of which pressure people to purchase private health insurance to an extent and through mechanisms that are materially indistinguishable from the supposedly toxic Obamacare mandate. One of these Ryan budget proposals — as yet little noticed by pundits or politicians — is almost an exact copy of its equivalent in the Affordable Care Act. Under both provisions, the result is the same: People who choose to carry health insurance have a lower tax bill than they would if they chose not to. In terms of their respective potential impact on individuals’ bank accounts and tax liability, the manner in which they affect individuals’ financial incentives, and hence the constraining effect on individuals’ financial choices to either buy or forgo health insurance, the two “mandate” provisions are identical. (Indeed, in most cases, the financial difference for the individual taxpayer made by the Republican tax credit would be greater — i.e., more “coercive” — than the ACA tax penalty.) In addition to cloning the ACA’s framework for coverage of adults under 65, the Ryan budget would also apply a similar approach to Americans currently covered by Medicare. Beginning in 2021, former Medicare-eligibles would receive a voucher they can apply to the purchase of private insurance. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the vouchers would be worth approximately $6,000 for recipients age 65, and would be greater for older recipients, averaging $11,000 across the entire Medicare population. Of course, Americans would be required to continue to pay their annual Medicare tax throughout their working lives. Hence, the Republicans’ proposal to replace Medicare with partially subsidized private insurance also operates to “compel” people to pay for private health insurance policies. Moreover, this mandate is not even a pay-or-play option; Medicare taxes are mandatory, whether workers want to buy eligibility for old-age vouchers or not. Nearly every member of the House Republican caucus voted for this budget plan, and said nary a word about the freedom-crushing provision included by Paul Ryan. Howie Klein finds that Republican voters aren’t thrilled with Ryan’s budget proposal either: Even their own right-wing polling firm , that normally tells them whatever they want to hear, had bad news about Paul Ryan’s ultra-reactionary budget from hell, what he calls his “cause.” A plurality of voters still have no opinion about Republican Congressman Paul Ryan’s long-term budget-cutting plan, but opposition has increased over the past several weeks. By a near two-to-one margin, they don’t like his proposal for tackling spiraling Medicare costs. And Ryan’s plan is also linked to how badly Wisconsin voters are feeling about the GOP: Zerban himself seemed buoyed by the results in La Crosse. When we contacted him this morning he also saw the Ryan effect setting in on Wisconsin Republicans: “We are seeing an incredible amount of opposition to the Ryan budget plan and Gov. Walker’s unprecedented power grab. Representative-elect Steve Doyle’s election last night confirms that. People all across Wisconsin are seeing the true colors of the GOP, and rejecting their mantra of reducing taxes for the wealthiest and balancing the budget on the backs of the hard working families of Wisconsin. The more people hear and look at Ryan’s un-bold plan to destroy prosperity, the more they hate it and the more it infects the entire GOP. Remember, they all voted for it.

Rep. Paul Ryan and the GOP love them some health-care mandates, two times

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Posted by on May 4, 2011. Filed under News, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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