Call of Duty: Black Ops: Tomahawk Spot FAIL Japan – 11 Mar 2011, Tsunami Waves Following Massive 8.8 to 9.1-Magnitude Earthquake, 11/03/2011 Japan: Radiation Leak Fears Oh boy: Radiation levels soaring at damaged Japanese nuclear plant … Oh boy: Radiation levels soaring at damaged Japanese nuclear plant, pressure out of control; Update: Just hours left to prevent meltdown? Update: Electricity supplies arrive. Japan: radiation leak fears at nuclear power facilities after … Widespread concerns in Japan over a possible radiation leak at one of the country’s largest nuclear facilities, after the devastating quake and tsunami. The government is warning Japanese citizens of risks, but says the situation is not … URGENT: Radiation 1000 times higher than normal detected at nuke … URGENT: Radiation 1000 times higher than normal detected at nuke plant in Japan | Kyodo News Japan Nuclear Plant In Radiation Leak Danger « Eurasia Review There have been recent reports of a possible radiation leak at the power plant. Radiation levels are rising at the Fukushima nuclear plant after a cooling system failed following the earthquake. As of now, authorities say the reactor is … VIDEO: Japan's Chernobyl? Radiation pressure fears at Fukushima … Radiation 1000 times normal has been detected inside a crippled nuclear plant in northeastern Japan where utility managers have released potentially radioactive steam to reduce mounting reactor pressure, the Kyodo News service is … tsacansuckit says: RT @lindabarlow : #TSA will recheck airport nudoscope machines after tests reveal 10 times the expected radiation :