Time’s cover this week proclaims “Sex. Lies. Arrogance. What Makes Powerful Men Act Like Pigs.” The May 30 cover story by Nancy Gibbs pondered the allegations against Arnold Schwarzenegger and Dominique Strauss-Kahn: But both suggest an abuse of power and a betrayal of trust. And both involve men whose long-standing reputations for behaving badly toward women did not derail their rise to power. Which raises the question: How can it be, in this ostensibly enlightened age, when men and women live and work as peers and are schooled regularly in what conduct is acceptable and what is actionable, that anyone with so little judgment, so little honor, could rise to such heights? This is not now Gibbs wrote of Bill Clinton during the depths of his intern-sex scandal. Clinton wasn’t an arrogant pig, but a miraculous politician who deserved forgiveness. From February 9, 1998 :