Here’s some New York Times humor for your Sunday (hat tip: nkviking). A Sunday Review slide show on “Solutions for Saving the Space Program” includes some mockery of Bible-thumpers: “Garner wider support by sneaking pro-science verses into the Bible.” Underneath this caption is a suggested verse: “Galileo 3:16: For God so loved the universe that he made it full of really awesome stuff for mankind to check out.” Such whimsey! Apparently, the Times thinks NASA’s problem funders are the conservative hayseeds, not “progressive” President Obama. There’s also these whacks at the capitalist bubbas: – “Hype up the unregulated nature of space to encourage business exploration.” Slogans include “In space, no one can hear labor’s screams.” And: “The Moon: No atmosphere, no taxes.” – “Convert the retired shuttle fleet into a Nascar team. Use winnings to fund future missions.” – It has Obama declaring war on Mars (because we’re apparently suckers for “intractable quagmires”). – “Take the entire country on a field trip to a science museum.” The guide is saying “Come on, Kansas! I know you won’t believe any of this, but attendance is mandatory.” Earth to Kansas: The New York Times thinks you’re all science-hating rubes. If you’re from South Carolina, don’t miss the “space tourism” jokes about “South of the Border” on Interstate 95.
See the rest here:
NY Times Mocks Bible Christians, Red-State Righties in ‘Saving the Space Program’ Cartoon Slides