In the Sunday New York Times obituary for liberal Democrat 1984 vice-presidential nominee Geraldine Ferraro, Douglas Martin presented her as “hounded” by sexist anti-abortion conservatives who would metaphorically persecute her to death: The abortion issue, magnified because she was Roman Catholic and a woman, plagued her campaign. Though she opposed the procedure personally, she said, others had the right to choose for themselves. Abortion opponents hounded her at almost every stop with an intensity seldom experienced by male politicians. Writing in The Washington Post in September 1984, the columnist Mary McGrory quoted an unnamed Roman Catholic priest as saying, “When the nuns in the fifth grade told Geraldine she would have to die for her faith, she didn’t know it would be this way.” For young people who may not remember, McGrory was a liberal and very partisan Democrat columnist. It's especially appalling that the Times would still be quoting an anonymous priest suggesting Ferraro was being persecuted for her faith — when she was being questioned for utterly rejecting her church's teachings about the sanctity of unborn life.