NPR Promotes New Planned Parenthood Radio Ads Attacking Pro-Lifers After They Lose House Vote

Filed under: Politics |

Planned Parenthood lost a House vote on Friday by a count of 245 to 180 that would strip its funding out of this year's stopgap spending bill. But they're not sitting still. Frank

Posted by on February 19, 2011. Filed under Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

NPR Promotes New Planned Parenthood Radio Ads Attacking Pro-Lifers After They Lose House Vote

Filed under: Politics |

Planned Parenthood lost a House vote on Friday by a count of 245 to 180 that would strip its funding out of this year's stopgap spending bill. But they're not sitting still. Frank

Posted by on February 19, 2011. Filed under Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

NPR Promotes New Planned Parenthood Radio Ads Attacking Pro-Lifers After They Lose House Vote

Filed under: News |

Planned Parenthood lost a House vote on Friday by a count of 245 to 180 that would strip its funding out of this year's stopgap spending bill. But they're not sitting still. Frank

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Posted by on February 19, 2011. Filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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