El PICADO FINO de Código Político (parte 1) – 2011-04-07.wmv Alberto Fernández en Código Político (Parte 2) – 2011-04-07.wmv SPOT POLITICO – LUCHO CASTAÑEDA PRESIDENTE ( MARCO ANTONIO Y ORQUESTA ) Dems slip stopgap on calendar ( Politico ) | Stock Market News … Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said Friday morning that Democrats would offer their own version of a one-week stopgap bill designed to. Abortion foes lighten stance – Politico | Elias Kai Google-Kai.com Abortion foes lighten stance. Politico By RICHARD E. COHEN & JONATHAN ALLEN | 4/8/11 1:32 PM EDT As Democrats criticize House Republicans for risking a government shutdown to pursue their social agenda, two of the House’s leading … Palin wants prez to get shutdown blame ( Politico ) | Stock Market … Sarah Palin wants to see the federal government shut down — as long as Barack Obama gets blamed for it. Continue Reading Palin. States hedge on Medicaid grants ( Politico ) | Stock Market News … Republicans talk a lot about how Medicaid block grants could help governors bring down their costs, but they don’t talk as much about what, exactly, politico politico The Texas congressman raised $1 million through his federal PAC and $2 million through Campaign for Liberty, a 501C(4) which cannot transfer funds directly to political organizations. Paul’s fundraising documents, to be filed … VelvetEunice says: RT @lordxmen2k : Kathleen Sebelius: GOP actions could increase abortions http://is.gd/bNlKQg #shutdown #GOPFail #p2 #media #politics #budget #boehner #tcot