A rather surprising thing happened on HBO's “Real Time” Friday evening. Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi, the daughter of the former Speaker of the House, scolded host Bill Maher for spending the first half of his show “dissing America” (video follows with transcript and commentary): BILL MAHER, HOST: But right now she is a filmmaker whose seventh documentary “Citizen USA: A 50 State Road” and its companion book debuts July 4th on HBO. Take a look. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MAN: Raise your right hand and repeat after me. “I hereby declare my oath…” UNIDENTIFIED GROUP: I hereby declare my oath. UNIDENTIFIED MAN: For long, long time I wait for this day. UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: This is greatest day of my life. UNIDENTIFIED GROUP: I love America. (END VIDEO CLIP) MAHER: Please welcome Alexandra Pelosi. ALEXANDRA PELOSI, FILMMAKER: Thank you. MAHER: How are you doing? You didn’t think you’d be following the President of the United States, did you? PELOSI: Well, I came to the show because after you spent the first half dissing America, I came to tell you how the American dream has people in every other country all over the world still wanting to come here to live here. Absolutely delicious. Brava! For a little background, here's what Pelosi's new documentary is about: Each year, nearly one million people from more than 150 countries become American citizens.
A rather surprising thing happened on HBO's “Real Time” Friday evening. Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi, the daughter of the former Speaker of the House, scolded host Bill Maher for spending the first half of his show “dissing America” (video follows with transcript and commentary): BILL MAHER, HOST: But right now she is a filmmaker whose seventh documentary “Citizen USA: A 50 State Road” and its companion book debuts July 4th on HBO. Take a look. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MAN: Raise your right hand and repeat after me. “I hereby declare my oath…” UNIDENTIFIED GROUP: I hereby declare my oath. UNIDENTIFIED MAN: For long, long time I wait for this day. UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: This is greatest day of my life. UNIDENTIFIED GROUP: I love America. (END VIDEO CLIP) MAHER: Please welcome Alexandra Pelosi. ALEXANDRA PELOSI, FILMMAKER: Thank you. MAHER: How are you doing? You didn’t think you’d be following the President of the United States, did you? PELOSI: Well, I came to the show because after you spent the first half dissing America, I came to tell you how the American dream has people in every other country all over the world still wanting to come here to live here. Absolutely delicious. Brava! For a little background, here's what Pelosi's new documentary is about: Each year, nearly one million people from more than 150 countries become American citizens.