Obama Deficit Plan

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Biden Sleeps at Obama Deficit Speech Congressman Hensarling Gives His Response to President Obama’s Deficit Plan on CNN Paul Ryan Slams Obama Deficit Plan Obama Deficit Plan Wins The Approval Of The Bond Market NEW YORK (By Emily Flitter) – It lacked details, and quickly drew a crowd of critics across Capitol Hill, but President Barack Obama’s $4 trillion deficit cutting plan won over a notoriously skeptical bond market — at least for now. Obama's Deficit Plan May Mark Turning Point, Moody's Official Says President Barack Obama’s plan to cut $4 trillion in cumulative deficits within 12 years may be a “positive” for the nation’s credit quality and mark a reversal in the budget debate, according to Moody’s Investors Servic. Obama Deficit Plan A Mixed Bag For Democrats And A Sharp Contrast … The framework for deficit reduction President Obama will lay out Wednesday is a mixed bag for members of his party. It borrows heavily in some areas from the conservative-leaning Bowles-Simpson recommendation, but commits elsewhere. to … Obama's deficit plan begins tug-of-war with Republicans | McClatchy Offering up his own $4 trillion roadmap to tame America’s deficit and an admission that he doesn’t expect Congress to embrace it as-is, President Barack Obama on Wednesday began a concerted effort to pull together a bipartisan deal this … Yglesias » Barack Obama's Deficit Plan Barack Obama’s Deficit Plan . Brad DeLong’s summary of Barack Obama’s budget ideas is useful (though caveat emptor here, there’s rounding so the numbers don’t add up right): — Restore high-bracket tax rates to Clinton-era levels: $1T … asnowrose says: Obama Throws Down Gauntlet on Tax Hikes, Republicans Blast Deficit Plan – FoxNews.com http://t.co/Un5LLYg via @foxnewspolitics

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Posted by on April 14, 2011. Filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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