National Review's Reihan Salam this weekend demonstrated exactly why it should be required that there be at least one conservative present during televised political discussions. Appearing on the syndicated “Chris Matthews Show,” Salam had a spirited and at times contentious debate with the Atlantic's Andrew Sullivan about conservatism, Sarah Palin, and the Tea Party (video follows with transcript and commentary): CHRIS MATTHEWS: Well, it was a big week for the President, Andrew. Do you think he's changed the climate of political discussion in this country? ANDREW SULLIVAN, THE ATLANTIC: It’s too soon to say, I'm afraid. I hope he has but I will say this, that I think he's been remarkably consistent for 2
National Review's Reihan Salam this weekend demonstrated exactly why it should be required that there be at least one conservative present during televised political discussions. Appearing on the syndicated “Chris Matthews Show,” Salam had a spirited and at times contentious debate with the Atlantic's Andrew Sullivan about conservatism, Sarah Palin, and the Tea Party (video follows with transcript and commentary): CHRIS MATTHEWS: Well, it was a big week for the President, Andrew. Do you think he's changed the climate of political discussion in this country? ANDREW SULLIVAN, THE ATLANTIC: It’s too soon to say, I'm afraid. I hope he has but I will say this, that I think he's been remarkably consistent for 2