Michele Bachmann’s ‘Titanium Spine’

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Click here to view this media Spiegel International interviewed Michele Bachmann because she’s possibly running for President and they were interested enough to ask for an interview. After seeing her SOTU response in the above video she has become something of a novelty act I’d say to the foreign press. Spiegel asked Michele what sets her apart from all the other Republicans running in the 2012 election. SPIEGEL: You are seen as a possible Republican candidate for the 2012 presidential election. What sets you apart from the other potential Republican candidates? Bachmann: Number one, no one is an announced candidate yet. But I think what sets me apart from the others who are being mentioned as possibilities as candidates is the fact that I have a proven record for four years in Congress of being a fighter. I’ve been a fighter and an advocate for the principles back home that people sent me here to represent. SPIEGEL: Don’t politicians have to be able to compromise? Bachmann: I have a very strong, very proven record that I am not a compromiser. I came here as an outsider to fight the current political climate in Washington, D.C., and I have stayed true to that. I have a spine made out of titanium . I’m sold! It’s all in the titanium that makes her a different kind of Republican. Trump is made out of wacky weed . Romney is made out of cardboard and Pawlenty relies heavily on corn silk. Newt, well he’s made out of Castor oil. I used to have a Sony Vaio laptop that was composed of titanium because it made it very light and supposedly much stronger as laptops go. A not so funny thing happened to it at the Koch Brothers protest rally in Palm Springs. It fell and broke into pieces. One tough bounce was all that it took to crack wide open, Michele—revealing that underneath—it looked just like any other laptop.

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Michele Bachmann’s ‘Titanium Spine’

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Posted by on April 18, 2011. Filed under News, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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