Men’s Group Wants Equal Time

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Finally, the pink plague that takes over institutions from sports events to the White House every October is starting to get some blowback from men’s groups that want equal time : In the wake of the NFL’s October pink-washing in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, prostate cancer awareness advocates are calling on the NFL to give their disease equal time. The Prostate Cancer Foundation and its ally groups in the fight against prostate cancer are asking supporters to sign onto petitions requesting that the NFL highlight prostate cancer during the month of September, as they do breast cancer in October. “We applaud the NFL for raising breast cancer awareness during the month of October by allowing players to wear pink accessories,” the petitions reads. “As prostate cancer is to men what breast cancer is to women (and some men), we ask the NFL to allow light blue items in September for Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. With your help we can raises awareness of prostate cancer, a disease that claims more than 32,000 men’s lives each year and impacts millions of families.” According to Dan Zenka, vice president of communications for the Prostate Cancer Foundation, the online petitions have gathered nearly 1,800 signatures since last Thursday. The petitions will remain online until November 1, at which point the organization will present it to the NFL. “Many of the stadiums are flooding their stadiums with pink lights, lets get some blue lights in there,” Zenka told The Daily Caller. “We deserve healthy fathers and sons, every bit as much as we need healthy mothers and daughters. It is a family issue.” This year, it is estimated that there will be 217,730 new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed and that 32,050 men will die from the disease. I got on this campaign a year ago after my father passed away as a result of Pulmonary Fibrosis, a disease which affects both men and women, kills as many people every year as breast cancer, but unlike breast cancer has no survivors. It’s untreatable and incurable and receives barely a fraction of the funding of the politically correct diseases.

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Posted by on October 15, 2010. Filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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