Click here to view this media John McCain is never going to admit it was a mistake or apologize for unleashing Sarah Palin on the rest of us. He continued to defend her on this Sunday’s State of the Union program on CNN. Someone needs to tell Candy Crowley that he’s never going to read her book either. CROWLEY: I have less than 30 seconds here. But I have to ask you about Sarah Palin. New book out that you’re going to read sooner or later. She’s going to Iowa, she’s going to South Carolina. The big game is, is she going to run for president, isn’t she going to run for president. You know her probably better than any politician who does. How do you read what’s going on? MCCAIN: I read I think she’s keeping her options open, and I think she should. I think she is an incredible force in the American political arena. CROWLEY: And a divisive force, would you agree? MCCAIN: I think that anybody who has the visibility that Sarah has is obviously going to have some divisiveness. I remember that a guy named Ronald Reagan used to be viewed by some as divisive. CROWLEY: So you sort of — do you see her as a parallel? MCCAIN: No, I think she’s doing a great job. I think she’s doing a great job. I think she has motivated our base. I think she had a positive impact on the last election, and I’m proud of her. CROWLEY: Senator John McCain, there is never enough time. Thank you so much. MCCAIN: Thanks for having me on. CROWLEY: I appreciate it. Looks like they’re never going to stop with the revisionist history on Ronnie Ray-gun either. I hate to break it to you, Johnny, but he’s still viewed as divisive by many of us as well.
Read more here:
McCain Defends Palin: Ronald Reagan Used to be Viewed as Divisive Too