Chris Matthews on Friday asked the panelists on the syndicated program bearing his name two questions about the crisis in Egypt that must have made his liberal viewers gasp. Moments after surprisingly asking NBC's Andrea Mitchell if “neo-conservatives who believe in really trying to push democracy” were right all along, Matthews asked David Sanger of the New York Times if George W. Bush was “better equipped than this President to deal with this crisis” (video follows with transcript and commentary): CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST: Let me get to the philosophical. You and I have talked about this so many times over the years. There's been an ideological struggle between the realists in American foreign policy and the more aggressive neo-conservatives who believe in really trying to push democracy, really trying to change the face. Who can say I told you so here the loudest? Were the neo-cons right in all fairness in saying this was going to come, we should have gotten out ahead of this before? ANDREA MITCHELL, NBC: You could argue that, because some of the so-called realists would, are still today, and I just spoke to a prominent one, arguing that we should be supporting Mubarak… MATTHEWS: All the way. MITCHELL: …come hell or high water, all the way. This is our military, we built it, we paid for it. A billion and a half this year. MATTHEWS: Are these the same that would have said support the Shah, support anybody, support Marcos? Support anybody. MITCHELL: Yes, and while the analogy to Iran is incorrect because this is a secular movement and Iran was not, the analogy between a U.S. government, a White House that seems trying to straddle all sides and not knowing how much to move in which direction, that actually does remind me of 1979. Well, that seems to be a bit of historical revisionism. It was Carter and the so-called “realists” that wrongly chose to not support the Shah in 1979, and the conservatives in our nation who at the time thought we should do everything to keep him in to prevent a radical Islamic takeover of Iran. To this day most of the Right believes much of the problems we're having with radical Islam stem from Carter's strategic blunder. Claiming that today's “realists” were the same folks calling for America to support the Shah in 1979 is therefore historically inaccurate.