Mark Halperin Returns to MSNBC After One Month D-Word Suspension

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If you noticed something different on Wednesday's “Morning Joe,” it was shamed MSNBC contributor Mark Halperin back from roughly a one month suspension after he called the President a D-word back on June 30. Not everyone was happy about this judging from Alex Pareene's piece at the Obama-loving Salon: Oh, happy day! Mark Halperin was back on “Morning Joe” this morning, and MSNBC's master political analyst didn't lose a step during his month-long forced vacation. During a discussion of the economy and the national debt, Halperin masterfully said a bunch of inane, contradictory nonsense. Maybe it's unfair to say Mark Halperin is wrong about everything, because it's impossible to be wrong when you're saying absolutely nothing. Welcome back to TV, Mark! I kind of prefer you calling people “dicks” to you actually “analyzing politics.” Nice manners, Alex. As for MSNBC, we now know the penalty at this so-called news outlet for calling this President a D-word is a month's suspension. By contrast, as we've seen the past few weeks, calling Tea Party members addicts , secessionists who want to politically kill Obama , or thugs and muggers who want to assault Obama won't get you in any trouble with this division of NBC. Interesting double standard, dontcha think?

Continued here:
Mark Halperin Returns to MSNBC After One Month D-Word Suspension

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Posted by on August 4, 2011. Filed under News, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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