Searching for an upside to the WikiLeaks release of secret documents, Late Show host David Letterman on Wednesday night pointed to how such disclosures could have possibly prevented the 9/11 attacks since former President George Bush had disregarded “for months and months and months” the warning “that bin Laden and al-Qaeda were interested in hijacking planes and flying them into buildings,” but not even Rachel Maddow, his far-left guest from MSNBC, bought his spin. Letterman contended: There is the viewpoint if WikiLeaks had been in business prior to the attack of 9/11 and we knew that George Bush had looked at a document suggesting that bin Laden and al-Qaeda were interested in hijacking planes and flying them into buildings – which largely went disregarded for months and months and months until long after the attack. If we had known that, via something like WikiLeaks, we perhaps could have acted a little more alertly. In fact, the Presidential Daily Brief to which Letterman referred, the one titled “ Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US ,” was presented to Bush on August 6, barely five weeks before 9/11, not “months and months and months” in advance. read more
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Maddow More Rational Than Letterman Who Argues WikiLeaks Could Have Saved Us from Bush’s 9/11 Malfeasance