I have to wonder if someone spiked that White House-brewed Kool Aid for MSNBC with hallucinogens. Either that or the network's apologists suffer from pathological dishonesty. How else to explain one of the most blatantly deceitful claims on MSNBC in memory, when Rachel Maddow on Wednesday dutifully cited the reasons why she agreed with Obama's decision against releasing photos of a deceased bin Laden. After all, Maddow said, many Iraqis refused to believe that Saddam Hussein's sons were no longer alive after the US military released photos of them upon their deaths. Not only that, Maddow argued, look at what happened after our military unveiled a photo of deceased terrorist Zarqawi (video after page break) — Three years after the Uday and Qusay photos were released, the US government did something like that again after they killed the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The Iraq war has been a war that's had a lot of strange press conferences, a lot of strange, made-for-TV moments, whether it be the made-for-TV tearing down of the Saddam Hussein statue in Baghdad's Fardus Square or the really well-choreographed tours of Saddam's former palaces that were offered by the United States military, there have been some strange scenes out of the Iraq war beamed to American televisions. But one of the strangest made-for-TV moments of the entire Iraq war was this one –