enlarge Just after the news that Rebekah Brooks had been arrested , this, via BBC : Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson has resigned following the phone hacking scandal.Britain’s most senior police officer said he had no knowledge of the extent of the practice and his integrity was “completely intact”. Sir Paul has faced criticism for hiring former News of the World executive Neil Wallis – who was questioned by police investigating hacking – as an adviser. He said his links to the journalist could hamper current investigations. Gosh, ya think? So far this morning the highest-ranking law enforcement official has resigned, and the woman Rupert Murdoch referred to as “the daughter he never had” has been arrested. Think there might be more? And when is it coming to the US? Check this post on Daily Kos today: Former Fox News executive Dan Cooper has claimed that a special bunker, requiring security clearance for access was created at the company’s headquarters to conduct “counterintelligence” including snooping on phone records : “Has Roger Ailes been keeping tabs on your phone calls?”That’s how Portfolio.com began a post back in 2008, when a former Fox News executive charged that Ailes had outfitted a highly secured “brain room” in Fox’s New York headquarters for “counterintelligence” and may have used it to hack into private phone records. That Kos piece also cites a more recent Rolling Stone article about the “Fox Fear Factory” which bolsters Cooper’s claim. Befitting his siege mentality, Ailes also housed his newsroom in a bunker. Reporters and producers at Fox News work in a vast, windowless expanse below street level, a gloomy space lined with video-editing suites along one wall and an endless cube farm along the other. In a separate facility on the same subterranean floor, Ailes created an in-house research unit – known at Fox News as the “brain room” – that requires special security clearance to gain access. “The brain room is where Willie Horton comes from,” says Cooper, who helped design its specs. “It’s where the evil resides.” I’d say the FBI should be preparing warrants for that room yesterday, don’t you think?
Read the original here:
London Police Chief Resigns As Rupertgate Spirals Toward The US