Is US TV too leftwing?

A new book claims that many of America’s top TV shows have followed a leftwing agenda. Could it be equally true in Britain? The news that a publishing division owned by Rupert Murdoch has released a book accusing American TV of liberal bias might sound deeply unsurprising. The belief that NBC, CBS and ABC promote values closer to Democrat beliefs than Republican views is long-established, hard to dispute by objective observation and has already resulted, under the US’s free-market TV system, in the rise of Murdoch’s Fox News as a deliberately conservative opposition. But Primetime Propaganda , by Ben Shapiro, merits more attention because it considers not the traditional ideological battleground of news and factual programming but fiction and comedy: M*A*S*H , Friends , Happy Days and so on. And, on this occasion, the allegation of deliberate leftist spin is not merely being asserted by a rightwing commentator but apparently accepted by the makers of the programmes. Shapiro talks to dozens of executives and show-runners who are quoted as cheerfully admitting to having been engaged in social engineering, justifying, for him, the subtitle: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your

Posted by
on June 29, 2011. Filed under
World News.
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