Happiness to Liberals is Like Kryptonite to Superman

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And that’s why Sarah Palin bugs them so much, as S.E. Cupp writes : It seems everyone wants a piece of Palin these days. Some are fans, some are hostile foes. But regardless, we just can’t stop talking about her. Will there ever be a time when we decide that we’ve figured her out and there’s nothing else to say? And then it hit me. The reason Palin has become such a lightening rod, a kingmaker and a punching bag, a celebrity and a power player, is simple. It’s because she’s so gosh darn happy. For her fans, like the ones I had the pleasure of meeting in Chicago, she’s refreshingly upbeat and resilient, the bubbly friend from childhood who was always great at cheering you up and cheerleading you on. But for her detractors, nothing raises the ire of cynical liberals more than a happy-go-lucky, totally unburdened, freethinking and self-assured conservative woman who has everything she wants and then some. And without anyone’s help. Liberalism, after all, needs to imagine an unhappy populace. Passing sweeping entitlement programs and convincing voters that big government is the answer only works if people are frustrated with their stations in life. Thus Palin is a real threat to front-office operations. And Sarah Palin, more than almost any other public political figure, represents the “can do” rugged individualism and self-reliance that liberals fear most. She’s not just running her household. She ran her state! And in her new documentary series, we see that independent streak clear as glacier water. Whether she’s casting for salmon or scaling the rockface at Denali, she’s smiling – and just won’t quit. It isn’t the angry, antiquated feminism of a Barbara Boxer. Or the pushy defiance of a Nancy Pelosi, who refuses to go quietly into that dark night. Or even the brash “I can make you regret being born” argumentativeness of an Ann Coulter. It’s the kind of ambition that comes from confidence in her convictions and the security of knowing that no matter what happens to her in the press, she’s got a happy home life and everything she needs to survive in the wild – the Washington wild, that is. If Palin’s critics really want her to go away, they don’t have to worry about her politics, her faith or her folksy rhetoric. They need to worry about her boundless happiness which, like her favorite hunting weapon, is poised to be a warm gun for anyone who dares cross her path. I think Cupp has pretty well nailed it. After being subjected to attack after attack liberals thought she’d melt under the pressure, but instead she just goes on with a smile and continues to make news and irritate the left. They just hate it when their “witty” snark is ineffective. My question to you is this:

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Posted by on November 17, 2010. Filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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