Click here to view this media Fox Business Network senior correspondent Charlie Gasparino insisted Sunday that the Fox News Channel and the Fox Business Network had provided adequate coverage of the scandal involving their parent company News Corp. “It’s a story, we’ve been covering it a lot,” Gasparino told ABC’s Christiane Amanpour. “Thank God I cover Wall Street. I don’t have to report on my boss.” “If you look at this from a purely business standpoint, you know, the market — I think the stock fell to $13 a share. Nineteen was the high. After Rupert Murdoch spoke [to Parliament], it went up to $17 a share. When they heard his explanation, they believed him. Confidence was returning back to the company.” “Actually, the coverage on Fox and The Wall Street Journal of the story has been embarrassing for journalism,” The Huffington Post’s Arianna Huffington pointed out. “Editorials in The Wall Street Journal — forget Fox, nobody really expects Fox to do this seriously…” “Fox has covered this very seriously, Arianna,” Gasparino objected. ” The Wall Street Journal ‘s editorial is whitewashing what is a very serious scandal that we have not seen the end of,” Huffington continued. “I think we have covered this well. We have straight news reporters that have covered this all day,” Gasparino claimed. In fact, the Pew Research Center found that Fox News’ coverage of the Murdoch scandal trailed far behind CNN and MSNBC between July 6 and July 15. Fox News had devoted less than 30 minutes to the story, while CNN and MSNBC each devoted over 140 minutes.
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