solar lightning – caused by heavenly alignments? !! Digital TV ALL – SSSS Pat.5159703 Mil. Grade – Simplified /See show more! Comet ELEnin, come out wherever you are! Activist Post: Bad News from NASA: Proof That Comet Elenin Is … Last night, looking at a NASA mathematical model of comet Elenin , I found out that a large celestial body has already penetrated the solar system and is on course for a near and possibly horrific encounter with the earth in the fall of … Chinese Scientists State That Behind Elenin Comes A UFO | The End … Based on the information given by the Chines Space Agency, the chinese scientist state that behinf the coma of Comet X1 Elenin comes a cluster or an alien spaceship According… bad news from nasa: proof that comet elenin is affecting earth … well folks im not very knowledgable about the whole 2012 thing but i know a lot of people on ats are. i was looking around on some of my usual sites and came upon this article of the… Bad News from NASA IMVA Medical News Commentaries Elenin is presently being tracked as it goes through the asteroid belt on its way into the inner solar system. I am truly sorry to have to be the bearer of such grave and threatening news but the source, NASA, is impeccable. … Bad News from NASA | Dr. Mark's Blog Elenin is presently being tracked as it goes through the asteroid belt on its way into the inner solar system. I am truly sorry to have to be the bearer of such grave and threatening news but the source, NASA, is impeccable. … EleninC2010x1 says: “Is there a relationship between the conjunctions of comet Elenin and earthquakes on Earth?” April 21st 2011 Leonid Elenin response, next tw