Ed Schultz Talks to New Jersey Policemen and Firefighters About ‘Tough Guy’ Chris Christie

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Click here to view this media As John already pointed out , our millionaire Villager class in the media is in love with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and his so-called “straight talk” about how we’d better get tough with the working class and have some “shared sacrifice” to balance state budgets. Those “shared sacrifices” of course always coming off of the backs of the working class instead of his rich campaign donors he’s giving tax cuts to. Ed Schultz talked to some New Jersey policemen and firefighters and asked them how they felt about their “tough guy” bully governor and they didn’t have quite so many kind words for him as we’ve seen from the Villager fan-boy club that loves to pretend this guy actually has a chance to be elected president. Our millionaire chattering class might be enamored with him, but he’s nothing more than your average every day Republican that wants to look out for his rich campaign donors like the rest of them when it comes down to it. And I don’t understand for one minute how him talking like someone from the cast of the Sopranos that they love to keep re-airing where he said he didn’t vaporize yet for wanting to make sure poor people work until they’re dead if they raise the retirement age is somehow a net positive for this bully. I was glad to see Ed give some everyday working people from his state have a chance to let the public know what they think of him rather than watching millionaire pundits like those sitting around the table of Morning Joe on his same network. They all are continually talking about “shared sacrifice” as well as long as it means we’re not asking any of them to have their taxes raised. If we had more segments like this one airing every day, maybe the Villagers would be forced to fall out of love with Chris Christie. Thank you Ed for giving these workers a platform to air their grievances with him.

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Ed Schultz Talks to New Jersey Policemen and Firefighters About ‘Tough Guy’ Chris Christie

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Posted by on February 25, 2011. Filed under News, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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