Why MSNBC insists on giving this wingnut deadbeat dad air time to spew his hate talk is beyond me, but they did. Among the gems in this clip: Walsh thinks Obama was elected because of “white guilt,” he thinks it’s ridiculous for President Obama to call a joint session of Congress when those should be reserved for heads of state, he doesn’t know the President well enough to call him a liar but believes Obama lies, and more. Now the thing about Joe Walsh is that he’s already been banned from one MSNBC show because he’s a deadbeat dad who owes thousands in back child support. Lawrence O’Donnell will not have him back. Here’s the video: Click here to view this media Joe Walsh is just positioning himself for a future outside of Congress after he’s redistricted out of office . It’s really fine with me if he chooses not to show up next Thursday. He’s not fit to be in the same room with the President, and his district should take note.
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