All Bin Laden tapes are fakes produced by the CIA OBAMA’S SPEECH ON OSAMA BIN LADENS DEATH (1 APRIL 2011) Hitman killed Bin Laden Why President Obama Made the Right Choice on bin Laden Death … When Daniel Pearl was killed in 2002, a video of his beheading circulated on the Internet. The FBI tried to have it banned online, but they encountered the same frustration that almost anyone on Facebook has experienced–the video can’t … The PJ Tatler » Oh. My. Get Angry, Folks … of the towers collapsing, Daniel Pearl , and Nick Berg, and Mogadishu, and IED videos, WHICH ARE ALL OVER THE DAMNED INTERNET, and which have never resulted in even a damned bloody nose doled out to an innocent Muslim by an American. … Confederate Yankee: GUTLESS The decision confirms that Obama is weak and too deferential to the sensitivities of people who celebrated the murder of thousands of Americans on September 11, 2001, and who delighted in the beheading snuff films of Daniel Pearl and … Are we too morbid? We saw Daniel Pearl’s head sawed off. We see pix of headless cartel victims. We see the heads. Autopsy photos are all over the net. We see hollowed out murder victims (the canoe) on dramatic shows, CSI, Bones, NCIS, etc., every night. … Bookworm Room » The Obama Administration's cloud of confusion … Kroft — who’s not a total idiot — pointed out that ever since “Black Hawk Down” days, Muslims have been doing precisely that, filming American bodies being dragged through the streets, filming Daniel Pearl’s head being cut off, … ZaraTV says: @Kare_o_lynn Not the final act. You're thinking of Daniel Pearl , maybe? Awful all around. No matter WHO'S image it is.