Zeitgeist (L) Osama bin Laden dead ‘photo of al-Qaeda leader’s body President Obama Announces Osama Bin Laden Killed Conspiracy theories about Osama's death | Gideon Rachman's blog … Meanwhile, how long before the conspiracy theories start? The fact that the Americans got rid of the body so fast – and at sea – will feed the arguments of those who will want to believe that this was not really bin Laden. … Bin Laden Death Conspiracy Theories ? | The Intersection | Discover … Motivated Reasoning | I just got this question through my Facebook page:Hey Chris. You and a few others have been talking recently about how conspiracy theorists manufactured the bir. Sometimes Conspiracy Theories Can Actually End UP being Reality … Sometimes Conspiracy Theories Can Actually End UP being Reality. By ck, on May 2nd, 2011. I have been saying for awhile that the NDP numbers are inflated, perhaps artificially. Commenter Alison over at “What Do I Know Grit”, … Bin Laden dead – or: let the conspiracy theories begin! « The … Bin Laden dead – or: let the conspiracy theories begin! Alternate title: bin Laden dead, or: well isn’t that convenient? I’ve long argued that Osama bin Laden was already dead. A formerly damp, now dried up and blown away spot on a … Food for conspiracy theories — Osama bin Laden “buried” at sea … Food for conspiracy theories — Osama bin Laden “buried” at sea. c00per55 says: @theGengshow Conspiracy theories are used only by conspiracy theorists. The bullet in the head of that coward is all that matters to me.