Genre: Hip Hop Title: My Philosophy Artist: KRS-One Kris Parker, aka KRS-One, is one of those artists who, though excellent at what he did best, was a bit ignored by a larger audience due to, well, changing fads in the genre. Make no mistake, though: The man was, and still is, a giant on the stand. KRS-One faced more adversity than chart success. In 1987, his friend and Boogie Down Productions partner, DJ Scott LaRock, was shot and killed while attempting to negotiate a peace between another BDP member and some local gangstas in the Bronx, which led KRS-One to turn away from the burgeoning gangsta rap scene (for which BDP is often credited as an early pioneer) and form the Stop the Violence Movement . My Philosophy , recorded and released in 1988, stands as a sort mission statement for the Stop the Violence Movement. Parker’s career is still active, and he remains an activist…And his music remains very creative and thoughtful.
C&L’s Late Night Music Club with KRS-One & Boogie Down Productions