Genre: Gary Moore Title: Red House Artist: Blues , Rock and Roll RIP Gary Moore: Legendary rock guitarist and former Thin Lizzy star Gary Moore has died suddenly whilst on holiday in Spain. The 58-year-old guitar virtuoso, originally from Belfast, was found dead in a hotel room on the Costa del Sol. He died hours after checking into the Kempinski Resort Hotel for the start of a six-day holiday with a young woman believed to be his girlfriend. Gary was one of my all time favorite guitarists and I was really saddened to hear of his passing. He had early success with Thin Lizzy , but his best work by far, IMO, was his solo work and that’s why I chose the above video for tonight’s post. Moore was a master at blending speed with melodic blues/rock and always had sick tone that most players only dream of. Safe travels, Gary…you’ll be missed.
C&L’s Late Night Music Club RIP Gary Moore