Click here to view this media I think Chris Matthews has finally had a belly-full of these TeaBirchers who’ve been taking the government hostage trying to get their balanced budget jammed through the legislature or at least force all of them to vote on it. They’ve been claiming — as FreedomWorks’ Matt Kibbe did here — that it would be acceptable to take us past the August 3rd deadline on default. Matthews railed on Kibbe for pretending that would be in any way a responsible way for members of Congress to act and blasted Kibbe and the so-called “tea party” House members that are beholden to his group and others as incapable of governing. After watching the last few interviews Matthews has had with tea partiers, I think Matthews (like a lot of us) is genuinely angry and tired of these people’s games. Tried of them threatening to burn the whole place down if they don’t get their way. Sadly unlike his cohort Rachel Maddow, he still paints them as being remotely grass roots instead of pointing out who’s funding them as Rachel has . He also still allows his viewers the impression that this is some genuine third party movement instead of a Republican re-branding effort to try to distance themselves from George W. Bush.
See the rest here:
Chris Matthews Slams Matt Kibbe for His ‘Tea Party’ Being Incapable of Governing