Chris Matthews Asks Panel Which GOP Presidential Candidate Might be a Great One and is Met With Crickets

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Click here to view this media On this weekend’s Chris Matthews Show, Matthews’ “Big Question” for the week was this: Of the Republicans running for president, which one offers the best chance of becoming, a great president? The response, mainly crickets by his panelists John Heilemann, Kelly O’Donnell, Gloria Borger. The only one willing to give him an answer was Joe Klein. His response of what Republican president might end up on Mount Rushmore — Barack Obama. That’s a pretty sad state of affairs with our current field of Republican candidates when all of them were not willing to say anything good about any of them. And someone should remind Joe Klein that to be an actual Republican these days and not the Villagers imaginary idea of what remains of the Republican Party, you have to be a bat shit crazy ideologue who’s not willing to negotiate with anyone on anything if you think there’s political gain in it and the public will fall for it. I’m not any happier than a lot of us with how far both parties have moved to the right and how money is corrupting our political process, but sorry Joe, the party that has run off the cliff with being insane should not have their label attached to our current president. I’d like for him to be further to the left like the rest of us, and as aggravated as I have gotten with what’s he’s been willing to concede to the other side and with validating a lot of their talking points, I would not wish having to navigate this current political climate he walked into and the Congress he’s been forced to deal with on my worst enemy. And today’s current Republican Party does not deserve to have anyone who is even half-way sane tagged with their label. They deserve to be called out for the zealots and TeaBirchers they are that have taken over their party.

See the original post here:

Chris Matthews Asks Panel Which GOP Presidential Candidate Might be a Great One and is Met With Crickets

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Posted by on July 17, 2011. Filed under News, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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