CBS’s Plante: GOP ‘Ready to Pounce’ On Obama, ‘Slammed’ Him With ObamaCare Repeal Vote

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On Tuesday's CBS Early Show, senior White House correspondent Bill Plante warned that as President Obama returns from vacation, ” the new Republican majority in the House is ready to pounce.” Plante went on to declare that the House GOP “slammed” Obama by scheduling a vote to repeal “his signature health care bill” on January 12. Plante parroted Democratic talking points denouncing the repeal effort: “Senate Democrats fired back in a letter, warning that to do so would be 'irresponsible and reckless at a time when it is becoming harder and harder for seniors to afford a healthy retirement.'” He then concluded: “Both sides know that the House vote is purely symbolic. With no chance that the Senate Democrats will agree to kill health care.” read more

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CBS’s Plante: GOP ‘Ready to Pounce’ On Obama, ‘Slammed’ Him With ObamaCare Repeal Vote

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Posted by on January 4, 2011. Filed under News, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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