France is abuzz with rumors that Carla Bruni, wife of President Nicolas Sarkozy and supermodel extraordinaire might be pregnant. Closer magazine, a tabloid that reports on Katy Perry’s decolletage and Elton John’s breast milk delivery alike, first wrote that the first lady was with child over the weekend. Carla is supposedly in her third month and there’s been no official announcement since she’s 43 years old, and the couple wants to err on the side of caution. Again, all according to Closer. The Elysée hasn’t issued a formal statement. Le Parisien called Sarkozy’s communication aide Franck Louvrier, who said, “This isn’t a topic that concerns me.” Carla’s entourage (we’re not sure exactly whom that entails) said, “Her personal life doesn’t concern anyone. She has never commented on this topic and she won’t start today. It’s the eighth time that people have said she was pregnant in the last few months. We’re not going to respond after every time.” adds that Carla was spotted at an ultrasound and medical imaging center on Tuesday. However, a headline on reads: “Carla Bruni-Sarkozy enceinte : pas d’échographie Bd Saint-Germain ce matin,” or, “Carla Bruni-Sarkozy pregnant: no ultrasound on Blvd. Saint-Germain this morning.” Sigh. We guess we’ll give them all a few days to get their story straight. Carla has one son, Aurélien Enthoven, age 9, with philosophy professor Raphaël Enthoven. (All translations by us.)
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