Cal Thomas: Michele Bachmann Praise By Chris Matthews ‘Like Getting Civil Rights Affirmation From David Duke’

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As NewsBusters has been reporting since Monday's Republican presidential debate, MSNBC's Chris Matthews is suddenly a big fan of Congresswoman Michele Bachmann's (R-Minn.). On Saturday's “Fox News Watch,” syndicated columnist Cal Thomas said, “Chris Matthews praises her, which is sort of like getting a civil rights affirmation from David Duke” (video follows with transcript and commentary): JON SCOTT, HOST: That's new Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann striking a cord at a Republican debate earlier this week. Cal, she got some pretty good reviews from the mainstream press, and yet many of those same members of the press were trying to tear her down before the debate. CAL THOMAS: Right, the Left likes to build up people in order to tear them down. One of my favorite lines on this was that she exceeded expectations. Well, who set the expectations? The media did. And then, she got endorsed. Your time is coming. It's actually passed, but we're keeping you here anymore. ALAN COLMES: You would know. THOMAS: Yes, I would. Yes, actually. Chris Matthews praises her, which is sort of like getting a civil rights affirmation from David Duke. COLMES: Let’s attack the liberal media. Oh, come on, it's getting old, will you please? THOMAS: Like you are. COLMES: You’re still older. THOMAS: That’s true, but I’m better. Indeed you are, Cal. Indeed you are. Readers are advised Thomas was given the Media Research Center's “William F. Buckley Jr. Award for Media Excellence” at the MRC’s annual Gala on May 7.

See the article here:
Cal Thomas: Michele Bachmann Praise By Chris Matthews ‘Like Getting Civil Rights Affirmation From David Duke’

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