C-SPAN’s Book TV Asks Why Bush Memoir is so Popular — Maybe Sean Hannity Can Explain

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Click here to view this media C-SPAN’s Book TV’s Peter Slen asked publisher Jenn Risko why George W. Bush was doing so well with the sales of his recently published memoir and we got some blather about how relaxed he looks these days and how people are just curious as to what went on behind the scenes with his administration and other similar nonsense. I happened to catch some of Hannity’s show where he devoted the full hour to pimping W’s book on Fox, so I think Ms. Risko forgot to mention a couple of reasons why the sales are going so well. Other than Fox doing their best to push the sales of Bush’s book as Hannity was doing, we also have the fact that many conservative organizations buy up books in bulk from the authors they want to push and give them away for free to make sure they end up in spots where they don’t belong on the best seller’s list. Sadly C-SPAN only seems to cater to right wing authors. John and Dave never had a chance of getting an appearance on the network to talk about their book,

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C-SPAN’s Book TV Asks Why Bush Memoir is so Popular — Maybe Sean Hannity Can Explain

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Posted by on December 30, 2010. Filed under News, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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