Bill Maher Takes Racist Swipe At Herman Cain: Gingrich is Republican ‘Polling Behind a Black Guy’

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HBO's Bill Maher on Friday took a racist swipe at Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain. During the New Rules segment of “Real Time,” the host said pretending that he was speaking to Newt Gingrich, “Let me put your unpopularity in context for you – you're a Republican and you're polling behind a black guy” (video follows with transcript and commentary): BILL MAHER: New rule: Newt Gingrich – just stop. Seriously, your campaign isn't just off to a rough start. It's like you hired me to run it and I purposely ran it into the ground. Let me put your unpopularity in context for you: you're a Republican and you're polling behind a black guy. I magine for a moment the media firestorm that would have happened if back in 2008, a conservative talker made such a remark about Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, or any of that year's Democrat candidates that were at times polling behind Barack Obama. There likely would have been calls from the Left for such a person to be fired. But a liberal making such a comment about a black conservative? Heck, HBO will probably give him a raise.

Go here to see the original:
Bill Maher Takes Racist Swipe At Herman Cain: Gingrich is Republican ‘Polling Behind a Black Guy’

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