Washington Post reporter Rachel Weiner profiled the battling online conventions in Minneapolis this weekend — Netroots Nation vs. Right Online — and found that the happier warriors were on the Right. On page A4, the headline was “At dueling political gatherings, room for mutual admiration.” Look who's the face of the Netroots (including on their homepage ) — radical (if temporary) Obama green guru Van Jones: Over at Netroots, there was talk of the enthusiasm and media attention on the other side. “The tea party changed the discussion,” said Van Jones, the former White House “green czar” who is launching a new economic campaign called Rebuild the Dream. “What they were able to do is take pre-existing sentiment and preexisting groups that were not visible and they got those visible. They got those people heard.” Netroots still has clout. Four senators were at Netroots; none came for RightOnline. (Sen. Mike Lee, a Utah Republican, was scheduled to attend but could not make it). The head of the Democratic National Committee spoke at Netroots; no top officials from the Republican National Committee attended RightOnline.