Andy Irons Autopsy Results Released, Drugs A Secondary Cause

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Champion surfer Andy Irons apparently died of a heart attack, according to the autopsy report that was released today. After the 32-year-old died in November his family contended that dengue fever, a tropical illness that Irons had been suffering from, contributed to his death, according to People. But it seems that the real cause of his untimely death was a heart-attack. “A plaque of this severity, located in the anterior descending coronary artery, is commonly associated with sudden death,” Dr. Vincent Di Maio, a forensic pathologist, explained to the family according to the press release. While Irons’ death seems to have been consistent with the condition of his heart, the age at which he died was unusual. However, there were apparently drugs in Irons’ system as well, and according to People, the levels of Benzoylecgonine (which is often used in cocaine testing) present were consistent with use of the drug approximately 30 hours prior. From Transworld Surf: According to a report on the New York Times Web site, 3X ASP World Champion Andy Irons died from a “heart attack related to coronary artery disease.” The secondary cause was reported as “acute mixed drug ingestion.” The article goes on to state that there were Xanex and methadone pills in the room and cocaine and methamptamines in his system. The Irons family has a somewhat different view of his untimely passing and a statement from the family is posted below.

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Andy Irons Autopsy Results Released, Drugs A Secondary Cause

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