After Prankster Call Rush Limbaugh Completely Loses Cool on Air

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Crossposted from Truth Ticker . A coordinated campaign of liberal callers infiltrating Limbaugh’s show, circumventing the screener, and peppering the host with a wide range of questions that Rush cannot possibly answer adequately (honestly, anyway), seems to be getting under his skin. Today, Limbaugh was tearing into Dick Durbin because the Senator gave a floor speech that suggested Bank of America account holders should close their accounts and bank with some other institution that would not be so quick to nickle and dime them. (BofA just announced that they’d begin charging debit card users a $5 monthly fee). The nut of Limbaugh’s argument was that a United States Senator has no business interfering in the private sector like that. It’s just not the role of elected officials, Rush says. So I called and pretended to be Kevin from Clifton Park, NY. I told Snerdley that Rush can’t have it both ways. If he’s going to condemn Durbin for interfering in private sector markets, then he should equally condemn Republicans for interfering with the market services Planned Parenthood provides. Snerdley liked it and put me on hold. While on hold, I started thinking of other times that Republicans attacked market actors. Like the Dixie Chicks. The New York Times… And then I remembered reading an old story about how Limbaugh came to be carried by the Armed Forces Radio network: Republican Congressman pressured the Pentagon’s brass until they caved. So I waited about an hour, and finally Rush got to my call. This is what I said, but you should really watch the video to get the full context of why this call is so revealing: Me: “Hey Rush, you’ve talked about how Durbin… It’s just not his place as a Senator to get involved. But I’ve heard Republicans get involved in telling women where they can get health care with Planned Parenthood, they said don’t buy Dixie Chicks records, they’ve railed against the New York Times and I know of at least one impotent, pill-popping propagandist on the radio that got his start on the Armed Forces talk radio at the behest of Republican interference. So please don’t tell us that it’s not the place of a politician to talk out…talk out… speak out about issues that are important to millions and millions of people.” Rush: “I don’t know what politician told people not to buy the Dixie Chicks records. What are you talking about? Planned Parenthood? You know… you… again… identify yourself and the way you think as another obstacle all the rest of us face for our freedom… you’re just a glittering jewel of colossal ignorance… you’re an arrogant snob… and arrogant, full-fledged snob and you don’t know 10% of what you think you know… because you’ve been ill-informed, misinformed by a faulty education system or whatever it is. But, people like you… you’re part of the pack we’re gonna hafta run over… you’re just part of the pack we’re gonna look at and smile in the rear-view mirror in 2012. Take care Kevin, have a great day.” The end of this video is the important bit. Rush NEVER loses his cool the way he did with the caller that immediately followed me. Part of his appeal is that he’s not like the “rest of them”. He’ll insult liberals, but you won’t see throbbing veins and spittle flying. He’s never out of control. At least not until today. And today, he took it out on a ditto-head. If you watch the video closely, you can see that he and his producer are messaging back and forth toward the end of my call. When Rush is informed that it’s me – again – the slow boil begins. And oon enough it boils over when the next caller repeatedly mentions Bo Snerdley – Limbaugh’s incompetent screener – that I had just duped… again. I’m still recruiting for more people to join our talk radio disruption crew. Right now we’re taking on Jabba the Rushbo, but once we’re through with him, we’ll turn to the others. These folks got the Fairness Doctrine repealed, but that doesn’t mean we can’t level the playing field. If you want to join us, email me at stark.m AT gmail DOT com.

After Prankster Call Rush Limbaugh Completely Loses Cool on Air

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Posted by on October 5, 2011. Filed under News, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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