A Pilgrimage Just Might Save America from Imminent Disaster

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“You may be shocked…But on this pilgrimage, what I have seen, and experienced, has forced me to re-arrange much of my thought-patterns previously held, and to toss aside some of my previous conclusions.” -Malcolm X, “Malcolm X to His Followers” Before discussing the controversy surrounding Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and his interfaith dialogue and speaking tour across America, and before writing about the federal government’s lawsuit against a Chicago school district for denying a Muslim middle school teacher unpaid leave to make a pilgrimage to Mecca; I would first like to share a letter Malcolm Little wrote to his followers. (Note: Malcolm Little eventually became Malcolm X and held great…

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A Pilgrimage Just Might Save America from Imminent Disaster

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Posted by on January 1, 2011. Filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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