A Grand Ole Challenger Arises

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A tussle within the Grand Ole Party is set to be arbitrated as prominent Michigan Republican Saul Anuzis has declared his intent to challenge Michael Steele, current GOP chairman, to an inter-party electoral contest about who will lead the Republicans into the 2012 election. —JCL The Associated Press via the Guardian: A prominent Michigan Republican said Friday he is running against Michael Steele, arguing the GOP can win in 2012 only if the party chairman steps out of the limelight and allows candidates to be the voice and face of the party. Saul Anuzis, who lost his bid for Republican National Committee chairman two years ago, made his plans known in an e-mail. “My agenda is very straightforward. I have no interest in running for office. I won’t be writing a book. It is not my goal to be famous,” said Anuzis, who promised to serve just one two-year term and work hard to elect Republicans “from the top to every township and city across this great country of ours.” Read more Related Entries November 12, 2010 A View From the Cheap Seats November 11, 2010 Rank-and-File Frustration

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A Grand Ole Challenger Arises

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Posted by on November 12, 2010. Filed under News, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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